On Wed the 8th of Dec we arrived at Graceland in Memphis Tenn. There they have their tour broken down into 6 different, individual tours, each with it's own fee. We did all 6, but as luck would have it, we all ran out of batteries for our camera's very near the beginning of the 1st tour. This is Elvis's mansion, pretty much the same as he left it. They give you each your own little radio like device so you can walk and gauk at your own speed.
The 2nd floor is "Off Limits" to tourist, but the rest of the grounds are open to the public, and the bus loads of us coming and going kept the place hopping, mostly behind the "Ropes" but in full view of how Elvis lived.

This shot, and the next are of his living room, pretty much white and red all over. Elvis was of course a world traveler during his career, but he loved his Memphis home and Memphis friends. He entertained guests almost constantly and his home had every feature to do just that.
If I remember right, this is a 20 foot living room couch.
Elvis's pool room, which was kinda like my "Man Cave", except he never drank beer. He did stock it for his friends though.